APVMA iPhone App

The Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) has announced the release of an iPhone application that makes information about agricultural and veterinary chemicals registered in Australia instantly accessible to people on the move.

The tool, thought to be a world first, will give a farmer in a paddock the ability to access a searchable database of the 10,500 agricultural and veterinary chemicals approved for use in Australia.

“The app also provides information on products that have been suspended, cancelled, stopped or archived”, said spokesperson Dr Simon Cubit.

Download 112kb

Farmer can search for the registered chemical products available to treat a specific pest or disease. The search will also provide information about active constituents, withholding periods, product labels, and pack sizes at the touch of a button.

Once a search has been completed the farmer will be able to save the search for later reference or share the results with others, perhaps in the form of an email to a rural supply store.

Currently, the app is only available for iPhones and Tablets with a version for Android devices also being developed.

APVMA iPhone App
The APVMA has launched a free iPhone app
for information about ag-chemicals

The development of the application reflects a commitment by the APVMA to deliver the benefits of more efficient regulation to business and the community.

For more information contact :

Rod Hall
IDO – West
John Runting
IDO – East

0403 215 935 idowest@vgavic.org.au

0417 356 364 idoeast@vgavic.org.au

Helena Whitman
VGA Executive Manager
0407 772 299

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