Managing Plant Pests and Diseases

Victorians enjoy clean and healthy local vegetable produce, amongst best in the world and we are very sensitive to chemicals being used on our food.

This high quality is prized by growers and validated by independant quality auditors.

Lettuce FieldPlant pests and diseases threaten vegetable quality and farm profitability.

When a significant crop problem is identified which is unlikely to correct
naturally the grower may choose to apply a plant protection product to
the crop.

Plant protection products are important tools in high volume food
production systems.

They enable the grower reliably produce economic
quantities of the high quality food we expect on our dinner tables.

Misuse of these same products would undermine consumer confidence
in vegetables as clean, green and healthy foods.

This public concern for safe and healthy foods is protected by
Government legislation regulating the safe use of all plant
protection products in Australia.

In Victoria, our Department of Primary Industries regularly monitor Victorian
fruit and vegetable produce for traces of farm chemical and other contaminants.

many years of residue monitoring have concluded that Victorian
grown produce is safe and clean.


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Finding a Permit

Plant protection products enable growers to safely control harmful pests, weeds and plant diseases in their crops…. Go to article.

About Permits

The selective use of plant protection products to control harmful pests, weeds and plant diseases, is critical to providing… Go to article.

IPM – Integrated Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a strategy which
encourages beneficial insects to help control harmful pests… Go to article.