VG04014 Clubroot Poster

This poster presents the strategies for the Integrated Management of Clubroot on your farm.


Good sanitation and implementation of a hygiene protocol in the nursery and farm are your responsibility and your right to protect against clubroot disease.


Determine the disease risk using farm records or diagnostic tests to be able to select an appropriate disease management strategy.

Caroline Donald Elizabeth Minchinton
Joanna Petkowski Denise Wite

Sally-Ann Henderson

VG04014 Clubroot Poster
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  • Clubroot spores can persist in the soil for many years and are spread in water or soil adhering to equipment, machinery, etc.
  • Symptoms on brassicas include wilting, stunted growth, colour change in foliage and root galling.
  • Infected roots prevent water and nutrient assimilation.
  • Clubroot disease is favoured by a contamination source, and warm, wet, acidic soils.
  • Once a plant has been infected there is no effective treatment.

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