VG06092 Pathogens – Gap Analysis

This 12-month scoping study makes recommendations for strategic short and long term investment priorities in vegetable IPM pathology.

The project included :

  • a review and summary of past IPM R&D for vegetable diseases in pathology
  • a consultant and grower questionnaire
  • four workshops interstate with HAL commodity groups, key growers, vegetable IDOs and key researchers from each state.

The project established the current position of pathology IPM and identified gaps in knowledge and determined the relevant factors for adoption of IPM in Australian conditions.”.

In 2007 a series of industry workshops was conducted to identify pathogens of importance, their economic impact and assess the need for new integrated pest management strategies in the Australian vegetable industry.

Workshop participants (over 150) included key growers, consultant, chemical resellers, and researchers from the relevant Departments of Primary Industries, National Universities, CSIRO and private sector providers.

The aim of the industry workshops was to brainstorm pathology priorities of regional importance, align these with the sub-program areas determined during the preliminary workshop, identify points of significant difference and modify the sub-program areas accordingly.


Ian Porter

Caroline Donald

Liz Minchinton

Vegetable pathogens - gap analysis - 2007
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Recommendations :

  • Feedback during the National workshops conducted as part of the project indicated that growers and other stakeholders were impressed with project and the strategic priorities established.

  • Feedback received by HAL from a key stakeholder was that ‘ this is the best mechanism for calling for projects, I have seen so far.

  • The description of what is required, in the main is comprehensive, and the budget guidance is exactly what is required for us to be able to design a project to meet the requirements within the timeframe stated.

  • The process used to develop the proposed vegetable industry R, D and E program was considered to be an excellent model for development of future strategic direction of research programs.

  • As a result of the process, the industry supported the proposed program structure and endorsed the commissioning of the $2 million research program.

  • The period for submission of research proposals was 4 weeks and at the time of conducting this report the final approval of the program had not been rati fied by the incoming IAC.

  • This meeting will be held on the 4th July. Irrespective of the outcome from this meeting, it is recommended that the National Vegetable Industry consider the proposed Vegetable Industry Pathology program, as a framework for development and funding of future research programs.

Acknowledgments :

The researchers gratefully acknowledge the financial support for this project from Horticulture Australia Limited (HAL), AUSVEG, the Federal Government

The authors thank the members of the large list of growers and agricultural consultants and researchers who provided the information in the report.

In particular, special thanks go to the State vegetable IDOs for organisation of the meetings and the key crop consultants: Karl Riedel, David Carey, Dominic Cavallaro, Lachlan Chilman and the HAL Program Manager, Leanne Wilson.

Funding was provided by Australian vegetable growers (from the R & D levy, and the Department of Primary Industries, Victoria. The Australian Government provides matched funding for all HAL’s R&D activities.

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