VG03100 Retailing Vegetables – Broccolini®

This study investigated the buying behaviour of Broccolini® consumers in supermarkets.

Understanding consumer decision making and buying patterns is important to everyone selling products in supermarkets.

The study used a range of tools to analyse the role of product quality, merchandising and price. Also studied was the effectiveness of where broccolini® was positioned in a store, the influence of promotional activity and the size of the display, as well as other types of produce bought with the vegetable.

Supermarkets place great importance on profit per square metre of display size, working out how to drive sales up was important.

The data collection tools used in the stores were:

  • the image analysis of buyer movements near the Broccolini®
  • interactions with the shelf
  • analysis of transaction data
  • quality and product rotation measurements

Know more about Broccolini® in relation to consumers and retail merchandising Increase consumer satisfaction and sales Increase returns to growers and the supply chain Demonstrate the value of the Fresh Change techniques and strategies using a case study

The project has successfully demonstrated using the techniques outlined to :

  1. Increase consumer satisfaction and sales
  2. Increase returns to producers, marketers and retailers
  3. Strengthen relationships and the level of understanding between key supply chain partners

Marie Piccone Mary Jane Bottom
Georgina Scott

VG03100 Optimised Retailing of Vegetables: The Broccolini Case Study
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Findings :

  • Profit per square metre and potential GP % was linked to various retail prices and volumes sold Larger displays impacted negatively on sales and profit Display size affected freshness, product rotation and fullness of display Broccolini® is an everyday and special occasion vegetable

Commercial Benefits :

  • The results convinced a major retailer to increase the retail price of Broccolini® by 20 cents per bunch This has resulted in a higher payback price per bunch to Broccolini® growers and enhanced retail sales
  • Precise information is now available and used in retailer merchandising recommendations and education kits Pilot study is clear evidence to retailers of the commercial impact of effective merchandising
  • Growers are now provided with specific information on what consumers want Communication of findings with growers emphasises the importance of the growers as key PFAs supply chain partners
  • PFA Campaigns conducted to emphasize the superior profile of Broccolini® compared to inferior competing products eg broccoli bunches Educational and promotional material on Broccolini® done emphasizing that it is NOT Genetically Modified

Acknowledgements :

  • Perfection Fresh Australia especially Michael Simonetta
  • The three retailers ………and their staff
  • AUSVEG and HAL especially Gerard McEveilly
  • Sydney Post Harvest Laboratory
  • Fresh Change especially Mike Geraghty and Wanita Judge
  • Lincoln Ventures
  • Elanza New Zealand

This project was commissioned by Horticulture Australia Limited and funded by the Vegetable R&D levy.

The Australian Government provides matched funding for all HAL’s R&D activities.

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