Oscar Villalta – DPI Victoria

R&D logoOscar Villalta







Dr Oscar Villalta
Department of Primary Industries Victoria,
Private Bag 15,
Ferntree Gully Delivery Centre,
VIC, 3156
Tel:    03 9210 9222
Fax:   03 9800 3521


DPI Vic logoExpertise:

  • Onion White Rot
  • Sclerotinia
  • Orchard diseases

07126 New approaches to control Sclerotinia in vegetable

New approaches to Sclerotinia control are being evaluated alone
and in combination with conventional methods. Strategies identified
as the most effective and economic will provide durable
disease control and increased productivity and sustainability of vegetable

VG 01096 Stop the Rot – Managing Onion White Rot in Spring Onions

Developed an integrated disease management program in
which chemical and biocontrol measures achieve a more sustainable
control of onion white rot in spring onions (shallots) and other
bunching Allium crops.

VG 00048 New approach to sustainable management of Sclerotinia

Initial research into the biological and chemical control of Sclerotinia lettuce drop and the use of soil amendment and cultural strategies for the integrated control of Sclerotinia diseases.

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