Goodbye 2019 – Hello 2020 A New Year full of possibilities, a New Decade to plan & prosper
Season’s Greetings
Your VegNET Victoria Gippsland project team, on a day of 40+C degree temperatures across Gippsland and with much of Victoria’s biggest local government area, East Gippsland, ablaze, thanks you for your support for the project throughout 2019 and trusts that much of what you’ve gained through the project has had a beneficial impact on your knowledge, your skills, and your business.
Bonnie and Shayne value the extremely important work that you do everyday – seven days a week for most of each year. We appreciate your trust, your insights, and your willingness to consider better ways of doing things, where appropriate.
We’re sending you only the best wishes for the New Year – may it be safe, brimming with good health, and successful as you define it.
Gippsland R&D Showcase & Update was worthwhile
Many thanks to the growers who made their way from Woodglen, Noojee, Korumburra & Newry to Traralgon to join with others from EE Muir & Sons, Gippsland Water, RMCG, Limestone Association of Australia, Prime Super and AgVic for the afternoon forum held in late November. The feedback received very positive.
Copies of the presentations, including Nielsen’s Melanie Norris (below) on the Hort Innovation funded ‘Harvest to Home’ initiative, are available by request to bonnie.dawson@
Message from AgVic
Director of Horticulture Services, AgVic, Dr Sze Flett phoned this morning (30.12.19) to pass on her best wishes to vegetables growers in East Gippsland and ask about the impact of the fires on production. Call Shayne on 0417 330 081 if you’d like some assistance or information. Happy to share Sze’s email address if you want to make contact.
Pre-harvest Irrigation Water Disinfection
Prof Enzo Lombi, University SA is looking for spinach/lettuce growers, ideally, interested in small scale trials as part of Hort Innovation funded project VG15068. Review the product here Contact Dr Cathy Dandie
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Export Fees Proposed Increase
The deadline for submissions to the Cost Recovery Implementation Statement: Plants Export Certification 2019-2020 review has been extended to 10 January 2020 – read more here
Tenth International Spinach Conference 2020
A first for Australia and a first for the Southern Hemisphere, the Tenth International Spinach Conference is coming to Lakes Entrance 5-6 May 2020. This is your opportunity to network with the World’s most innovative spinach enthusiasts while enjoying a few days at the seaside.
#EGVID2020 @EGVID2020 or browse ‘Spinach Portal’
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